Monthly Archive: September 2015

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What is Prota Pioneer Membership?

Prota Pioneer Membership is a program that helps us to find developers who’d like to beta test the Prota OS. Beta testing is an essential part of software development, keeping that in mind we started...

New Prota Homescreen. 0

All new Prota Agatha is coming

Prota Agatha at-a-glance There have been many changes in Prota OS since its previous release. Let’s look at some of the most interesting of them. 1) The logo has changed. We changed our logo which...

Now only we re-designed the Push, but it's been actually already produced. 0

Progress Update on the Push Project [August]

Dear readers, this August has been a lot busier that any of the previous months since we started the Microbot Push project. We are finally got momentum and our project attracted some of the top international...