Monthly Archive: August 2015


Easy DIY baby crying detector with Raspberry Pi

In this instructable we will learn how to make a simple yet effective baby monitor that detects and alerts you whenever the baby is crying. We used Philips Hue as an alert system but...

Waste no time when you are hungry. Pre-heat oven remotely. 0

Second use case of Microbot Push: pre-heat oven remotely

How long does it take to pre-heat an oven? Of course it depends on what will you bake. If it’s a pizza, then your oven should be heated up to 450F which takes about...

Smart Locks 0

The Battle of Smart Locks

  On April 27th, 2015 a startup called Candy House Inc. secured more than 1.4 million dollars in Kickstarter funding for its new smart lock device. To be fair not only Sesame. Recently quite...

Smart Knock 0

DIY Alternative to Smart Door Bell (Smart Knock)

Most of us have been in a situation when somebody couldn’t get our attention because we were wearing a pair of headphones. It usually ends up fine as long as the attention seeker can...

Microbot View snaps what's inside your fridge, so you can always check when grocery shopping. 0

#5 Use case: View as if you’re home away from home

  Microbot View can be combined with Microbot Sense to snap the inside of your refrigerator. This way you never have to guess what you do and don’t have when doing grocery shopping.

One Microbot Sense, many different uses. 0

#4 Use Case: one Microbot, many applications

Microbot Sense can wear many hats. For example, it can be used to turn on lights and/or music on ordinary days or to activate an alarm if abnormal noise, motion and vibrations are detected. Just letting you...

July Infographic 0

Where we are in July

July is coming to an end thus it’s time to update you on our progress. First and foremost, CNC samples of Push and Prota Box have been finished! Prota Box now includes a touch...